Power swivel with Active Rotation Control (ARC)

Positioning cargo in port is a difficult and time-consuming job for the crane driver. Limited vision, heavy rain and wind make it even more complicated. A load can start rotating in the air and stopping this motion requires a highly-skilled crane driver. Even for an experienced driver, this operation takes a lot of time and effort.
MacGregor has developed an active rotation control (ARC) system for its range of MacGregor cranes that stabilises and automatically rotates a load in the air; making load-handling faster, reducing cargo damage and saving energy.
The ARC system has an automatic swivel control that maintains the cargo’s position during the entire operation. When activated, cargo positioning times can be shortened by up to 30 percent. Shorter positioning times and a smooth drive significantly lower energy consumption and increase efficiency. These ensure that the ARC solution pays for itself in a short period of time.
All MacGregor crane designs are based on our lengthy experience and backed-up by unrivalled global service support and a proven track record of more than 13,000 crane deliveries worldwide over the past 50 years.
Hazardous tasks eliminated
Port workers often have to attach wires to the load and manually pull it into the correct position. This work can be dangerous and there is a risk that the cargo could bump into surrounding structures, potentially damaging them and the cargo. With the ARC solution, these hazardous and time-consuming tasks can be eliminated as the positioning work is automatic.
Easy to use
It only takes a few minutes to learn how to use the system. There is a separate control box with two controls: one to set the start position and one to set the end position. With joystick control, the cargo’s position can be accurately fine-tuned.
Read more from our brochures:
Active Rotation Control
Cranes for all ship types
Cargo Handling Book