Electrical operated ROV winches

Available with electric or hydraulic drives, our MacGregor remotely operated vehicle (ROV) winches, with active heave compensation (AHC), can handle underwater ROV units even in the harshest conditions.
Electric-drive ROV winch features:
- Frequency-activated speed control
- Built-in redundancy with multiple patented MacGregor electric motors
- Lower energy consumption compared with hydraulic drives
General ROV winch features:
- Sealed and oil-filled gearboxes
- Hydraulically-actuated band brakes hold up to three times the safe working load
- Normal braking is achieved by the motors
- Automatic, electric, synchronized level wind mechanism
- Optional 90-degree level wind mechanism
- DNV certification (offshore lifting appliances)
- The range of winches available for work-class and OBS-class ROVs
- Local and remote operation (remote belt packs) from hangar and control room
- Active heave-compensation (AHC) via MacGregor Pentagon control system and vessel motion reference unit (MRU)