Towing winches

MacGregor towing winches are designed for specific customer requirements to offer the best possible solution for a specified range of work.
MacGregor supplies a broad portfolio of winches and related components to meet all offshore industry needs. A VHSS wire-spooling system ensures excellent spooling of extremely long wires without the need for a defined minimum distance between the winch and the first wire sheave. The wire can be angled in any direction when leaving the winch. MacGregor winches equipped with this system therefore offer maximum installation flexibility in limited spaces. Standard features include:
- electric, electro-hydraulic or air drives
- Single, double or triple drum configurations in waterfall arrangements
- 50 to 350-tonne rated line-pulls on the first layer
- up to 500-tonne static brake holding capabilities on the first layer
- manual and hydraulically-operated brakes
- dynamic braking to facilitate high load/high speed lowering with de-clutching
MacGregor winches can be delivered with additional functions such as constant tensioning, passive or active heave-compensation based on direct winch operation or in-line cylinder units, including control systems and power units. The reference system for such applications is normally guideline-free and based on motion signals from motion reference units (MRUs).
Additional special functions include auto variable speed control, wire-spooling and guidance systems, grooved drums, emergency release function, gravity lowering and an emergency hoisting function.