MacGregor launches Carbon Calculator to measure emissions reduction effect of Cargo Boost on container ship performance

MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has launched a new free of charge digital Carbon Calculator to help container shipping companies estimate the carbon dioxide emissions they can eliminate by upgrading their onboard container cargo system with MacGregor Cargo Boost.
By maximising container-carrying capacity on board existing ships, the Cargo Boost solution has been shown to increase average cargo system utilisation from conventional rates of 80% to 90%, or even 100%. Across a 10-vessel fleet, this can increase capacity by the equivalent of an additional ship. At no cost, the MacGregor Carbon Calculator offers owners a straightforward tool to estimate the emissions-reducing potential of Cargo Boost in advance.
The new calculator allows users to enter details of the vessel, the existing container cargo system and changes with Cargo Boost implemented, and operational details of a voyage. Offering full transparency, it estimates the impact of upgrading in terms of the percentage CO2 reduction per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU), savings in Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) payments and fuel costs in US dollars per TEU, as well as additional revenue in USD.
“Maximising cargo intake will always be one of the key drivers of container ship efficiency,” says Magnus Sjöberg, Senior Vice President, Equipment Solutions Division, MacGregor. “Doing so not only increases vessel earnings but also cuts fuel consumption per cargo tonnage carried, thereby minimising greenhouse gas emissions and associated emissions taxes such as ETS payments.”
This is the principle behind MacGregor Cargo Boost, the impact of which shipping companies can now determine per ship and by fleet using our innovative Carbon Calculator tool.
Learn more about MacGregor’s Carbon Calculator here.
For further information, please contact
Magnus Sjöberg, Senior Vice President, Equipment Solutions Division, MacGregor.
Tel. +46 31 850 919,
Janina Aalto, Senior Marketing Manager, MacGregor
Tel. +358 40 777 6815,
MacGregor is a leader in sustainable maritime cargo and load handling with a strong portfolio of products, services and solutions, all designed to perform with the sea.
Shipbuilders, shipowners and operators are able to optimise the lifetime profitability, safety, reliability and environmental sustainability of their operations by working in close cooperation with MacGregor.
MacGregor is part of Cargotec. Cargotec's (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV) sales in 2023 totalled approximately EUR 2.5 billion and it employs over 6,000 people worldwide.